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Law Books

Writers and the Law

Writers and the law

This book (co-authored with Michael McDonald) is about the legal rights and obligations of writers. The principal motivation for writing the book is the view that a writer not conversant with her or his rights is bound to be shortchanged. For many writers, the mere fact of securing a publishing or production agreement is perceived as a significant achievement. The natural inclination is to sign whatever is presented, and hope that the work will be published or produced in the best possible way with minimum delay and maximum return. When the project does not quite work out, and best hopes are dashed, the governing contract is produced from a drawer and the document is carefully reviewed, conceivably for the very first time, in the hope that it contains the magic words which may turn the tide back in favour of the writer.

This book is intended to save the writer much heartache, and generally enhance her or his bargaining power by offering a comprehensive and practical account of the law as it affects writers' activities. With the emphasis on practical rather than theoretical matters, it will be noted that the consideration of the law is intertwined with a thorough review of “commercial realities”, emphasising how such “realities” tend to shape the nature of legal relations between writer and publisher/producer.

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